Do you have any suggestion? Click here to submit media.
Earn $BCXS by completing challenges & keeping streak alive or, convert $TON into nowBux, and enjoy instant-gaming magic.
Create Telegram Stickers and get usage stats for your stickers with this bot. This is official bot from Telegram.
100,000 SHIB Binance Crypto Box everyday.
Search for GIF while chating with anyone. Simply type @gif in any chat, then type your request (without hitting 'send'). This will open a panel with GIF suggestions.
Ask something and @JWGPT3_bot will reply to you!
Powered by OpenAI GPT-3 and DALL-E
Use official Telegram bot to create new bots and to manage existing bot.
All in one to manage your groups easily and safely!
Simple add this bot to a group as Admin and then use /settings to set up functions.
Purchase cryptocurrency by bank card, exchange, and transfer to other wallets.
This bot helps you find, listen, and download any songs!
Just send any artist and/or song name, and the bot will find music for you!
Convert files from one format to another easily using this bot. It works with pictures audio files, and videos.
Paint pixels and earn $PX. The legendary pixel battle from the Notcoin creators
You can promote your channels, groups, bots, your cryptocurrency projects or even your own website link on
Search for cheap flights and track the ticket prices using Airtrack bot.
Telegram added Bots in 2015. Bots are like third party applications inside Telegram. Instead of having multiple applications for tasks like checking Weather, downloading movies or music, translating words, booking cabs etc, we can do all these tasks in Telegram app itself without any additional application.
With inline bots you can call bot while chatting with friends or from groups. Inline bots can send news, videos, GIFs, stickers to peoples. To check if bot works inline or not, open any bot and type @ followed by bot name example @vid, it will open a panel with suggestions.
There is a bots for almost all things on Telegram. Below are the sample of what Telegram Bots can do.
For every bot listed on our website, we have given instruction on how to use bot with screenshot, check from above list.