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Search for cheap flights and track the ticket prices using Airtrack bot.
This bot can help you find restaurants and other places nearby and send their address to the friends.
Get currency exchange rate for travel, work and daily life.
100,000 SHIB Binance Crypto Box everyday.
Get detailed weather forecast for 5 days. It shows: temperature, cloud density, precipitation, showers, snow, wind speed, wind gusts, wind direction, duration of daylight.
🤖 Chat with the Eddy Travels AI assistant and discover the best flight deals in seconds ✈️
Get weather forecast for any City with map. Just enter a city to see the weather forecast.
With the forecast button you can see forecasts for 5 days.
Track hotel room prices. Just send a link to the accommodation, and bot will send alert when there is a change in hotel price.
Get notified when a booked-out accommodation becomes vacant.
Watch photos from more then 100 CAM, generate GIF, notify gif and photo.
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