  • Telegram ID   @LivegramBot
  • Category         Feedback Bots Admin Tools
  • Status           Online
  • Last verified  Oct 25, 2023

Open Bot in Telegram

What can this bot do?

Livegram Bot is a builder of feedback bots for Telegram. This can be used to broadcast messages, get feedback messages in groups, get bot statistics and more.


/start: To start the bot.
/addbot: Connect new bot.
/mybots: Manage connected bots.
/help: Get help.

How to use bot?

Just follow below simple steps.

Click on start and choose add bot from Menu.
To connect a bot, you should follow these two steps:
1. Open @BotFather and create a new bot.
2. You will get a token (e.g. 12345:6789ABCDEF) — just forward or copy-paste it to this chat.

LivegramBot 1
LivegramBot 2

Once the bot is connected you can use the menu option to do a lot of things. Example you can broadcast messages.

LivegramBot step 3

You can get feedback from the bot (you need to add the bot first to the group).

LivegramBot step 4

You can also get bot statistics

LivegramBot step 5

To know more on how to reply to users, how to ban or unban users, how to change welcome message and bot language and more option refer this link

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