Open Bot in Telegram

What can this bot do?

Powerful telegram bot to help you manage your groups. This bot can do lot of things like. Promote or demote admin. Welcome and goodbye message for bot Ban, unban , kick, mute the users. Antiflood - restrict user sending many messages. CatTcha - ask the new user to solve the puzzle to join the group. Filters - every time someone says your trigger word, Bot will reply something else. Formatting - make message looks expressive. Set rules for the group. Warning - Keep your messages in checkWith warning. Stop them Getting out of control.


/Start: To start the bot.
/help: Will tell you more about bot.

How to use bot?

Just follow below simple steps.

Click on START to start the bot.

MissRose_bot bot step 1

This bot can do a lot of things for group management. Send /help to get details on what bot can do and how to do it .

MissRose_bot bot step 2
MissRose_bot bot step 3

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