  • Telegram ID   @chatGPTwrapperbot
  • Category         ChatGPT Utility
  • Status           Online
  • Last verified  Aug 24, 2024

Open Bot in Telegram

What can this bot do?

Partnered with the OpenAl for generation of high-quality, unique essays with low plagiarism.


/start: To start the bot.
/reset - New conversation.
/help - Help and description

How to use bot?

Just follow below simple steps.

Click on START to start the bot.

chatGPTwrapperbot step 1

Start having conversation with Gemini AI bot. For example, send
Got any creative ideas for a 21 year old’s birthday?
Bot will share you the idea.

chatGPTwrapperbot bot step 2

Send the image to bot and reply to the image for details about the image.

chatGPTwrapperbot bot step 3

It can also read the video and pdf /p> chatGPTwrapperbot bot step 4

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