  • Telegram ID   @RedditBrowserBot
  • Category         Reddit Bots Social Memes Bot
  • Status           Offline
  • Last verified  Oct 25, 2023

Open Bot in Telegram

What can this bot do?

Now browse all of the reddit pics, gifs, videos, cats, memes and much more right on Telegram. Features:
Reddgram Features:

1️⃣ Subscriptions - Subscribe to any subreddit by using /sub subreddit_name and unsubscribe using /unsub subreddit_name
2️⃣ Import subreddits - Import your subreddits from as Subscriptions and get posts from them regularly. check /import.
3️⃣ Best Answer - For r‏/explainlikeimfive subreddit, see the best answer for a Question.
4️⃣ Multi Mode - Fetch multiple threads at a time. eg. /jokes hot 5
5️⃣ Emoji Mode - A new way to browse subreddits, the emoji way.
6️⃣ Multireddit - Combine multiple subreddits and browse your own multireddit. eg. /gifs+pics+videos


/start: To start the bot.
/help: Get info on how to use the bot.
/popular: Popular hot thread from random subreddit.
/random: Random thread from random subreddit.

How to use bot?

Just follow below simple steps.

Click on START to start the bot.

RedditBrowserBot 1

Send /sub followed by subreddit name to subscribe for alerts.

RedditBrowserBot step 2

You can also view subreddit posts without following by sending a subreddit name.

RedditBrowserBot step 3

You can also fetch multiple threads at a time.

RedditBrowserBot step 4

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